Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Upon Reading Matthew 6:34

"For the Asking"

Like a millet stone hung 'round the neck,
Fear and hopelessness tax heavily,
They take more than a fair share.

Old habits and old vices,
Old doubts with new consequences,
All's back to the way you left it.

It's just like the last time and the time before
When you swore you wouldn't be returning
When you were certain your will could sustain.

What's it you're relying upon?
An eye that cannot see, an ear that cannot hear,
A proud heart unwilling to admit you've been licked.

Why not trade your weakness for a greater strength?
Why not place your faith in His perfect love and higher ways?
Hasn't your Father done much more for much lesser things?

by: j.p.burns

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